Self-Paced Course

Beginning-Intermediate Spanish II

 Build a solid foundation. Learn to communicate with confidence.


Each Beginning-Intermediate 8-week course will help you build a strong foundation in Spanish, and allow you to communicate right away with increasing confidence.

Each 8-week course is unique, with different classes that allow you to approach our “high-frequency” (most used, most essential) Spanish vocabulary in different contexts so that you can truly acquire and master the language!


This was by far the best Spanish class I have taken with ‘real-time’ use of language. The instructor Nikki sets a wonderful mood with her enthusiasm and encouragement. We began speaking in Spanish immediately. All are encouraged to speak and the class is structured for a fun exchange with just the right amount of challenge. Grammar is taught in context of language usage with mini lessons. The presentation is creative as are the optional homework assignments. I highly recommend these enjoyable classes.
— Millie N., Beginning-Intermediate Spanish Student
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  • Introduction: ¡Bienvenido al Curso!

    Get oriented and set up for success.

  • Clase #1

    Start your course with a true beginner class.

  • Clase #2

    Grow your skills and enjoy your next class.

  • Clase #3

    Grow your skills and enjoy your next class.

  • Clase #4

    You’ve reach an intermediate-beginner level!

  • Clase #5

    Grow your skills and enjoy your next class.

  • Clase #6

    Grow your skills and enjoy your next class.

  • Clase #7

    Grow your skills and enjoy your next class.

  • Clase #8

    You’ve reached an advanced-beginner level!

  • What’s Next?

    Where does your journey go from here?


Nikki is thorough, very organized, and incredibly intentional with how she teaches Spanish. It is really fun, conversational, layered and effective! I recommend it to anyone looking to learn Spanish. Highly highly worth it.
— Trish G., started as Beginning-Intermediate Student (currently Intermediate)




1. Introduction: ¡Bienvenido al Curso!

  • Course Navigation

  • Course Contents

  • Learning Spanish: Tips & Tricks

2. Clase #1 highlights:

  • haber, ser, estar, vivir, saber, salir, mirar

  • giving personal descriptions, adjective placement

  • story-telling and personal questions

  • the preterite, imperfect, and past progressive tenses

  • reflexive verbs and changes of physical state

  • the future tense and declarative statements

3. Clase #2 highlights:

  • using ir to talk about going places and going to do things

  • using para with verbs to give reasons

  • relating activities in order to give a personal account

  • the past and present tense

  • prepositional phrases of time: before, after

  • incorporating time-related vocabulary into daily journal practice

4. Clase #3 highlights:

  • querer + infinitivo

  • imperfect and preterite tenses

  • relating personal experiences

  • talking about future plans and desires

  • expressing desire along with action fulfillment

  • daily journal practice

5. Clase #4 highlights:

  • querer, mudarse, graduarse, empezar, terminar, tratar de, llegar

  • talking about professions

  • describing family structure and relationships

  • describing life sequences of events

  • listening and reading comprehension between multiple past and present tenses

  • forming superlative statements

6. Clase #5 highlights:

  • sabes que, tengo que, hay que, deja que, para que, y otras frases con “que”

  • using diminutives in Spanish

  • popular Spanish-language music

  • cultural references found in popular music

  • listening comprehension through music

  • making and changing impressions based on meaning in context

7. Clase #6 highlights:

  • me gusta, me interesa, me fascina

  • describing changes in opinion with maturity and age

  • the present and past tenses

  • subject-object inversions

  • continuing conversation with comments of agreement or disagreement

  • talking about childhood experiences

8. Clase #7 highlights:

  • jugoso, poner, meter, receta, cocinar

  • food and ingredient-related vocabulary

  • giving cooking instructions

  • the present tense narration

  • describing flavor, appeal, and taste

  • talking about food and culture

9. Clase #8 highlights:

  • seguir, seguir + infinitivo, después de

  • listing items and actions in a sequence

  • ordinal vocabulary

  • the present tense and the gerund

  • making future plans

  • building confidence in conversation

10. The Journey Continues…

  • Helpful Review

  • Further Practice

  • Next Steps on Your Language Journey




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Due to the nature of digital products I am unable to offer refunds.

Choose between a one-time payment or the payment plan for the course.