Don't wait any longer to start enjoying the good stuff

Start enjoying the journey today, wherever you’re at on the path.

Start enjoying the journey today, wherever you’re at on the path.

Welcome to September: A new month. A new school year is here. A new season is coming. 

We're here, in this moment. Still breathing, through the smoke in the air (California) or through our masks (COVID-19). 

The question I have for you right now is...

Are you enjoying the journey?

Or are you waiting.

Waiting for this year to be over. Waiting for a vaccine. Waiting for a change in the White House. Waiting for whatever is causing you stress, whatever anxiety you feel, whatever it is you're worrying about, to go away first?!

I get it, I really do. 

I was waiting for, among other things, my bank account balance to change. And until it did, I didn't even realize that waiting was keeping me from feeling any of the joy that could have been mine the whole time.

I'm not saying you should enjoy the painful things, the not-so-fun things, the terrible things. There are moments and situations that are simply not enjoyable.

But that doesn't have to keep us from feeling joy.

What would it look like to give yourself permission...

 ☀️ to not feel stressed

 ☀️ to not worry about the result

 ☀️ to not hang your feelings on your circumstance

I’ll tell you what it looked like for one of my Spanish students and for me personally to give ourselves the permission we needed to enjoy the journey [and to enjoy more success as a result].

Don't wait to enjoy the good stuff any longer, mi amigo.

Let’s chat in my latest episode of #SpanishSaturday. Click below to join the conversation.

Your language coach,


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