
My Best Bilingual Life

Life and Language Coach Nikki Bannister helps you live your best life in any language

How it all works together for you

I have a confession, mis amigos.

I originally drafted my blog notes to you this week on life and language learning about finding ‘your happy place.’

I wanted to remind you that no matter what your lifestyle, no matter what you are naturally most passionate and excited about, you can successfully learn a second language and live your best bilingual life.

"Welcome to your happy place."

"When you're doing what you love, it all works for you."

Then, quite suddenly, my personal happy place I was writing from changed as the skies in California (and much of the rest of the West Coast) clouded over with a depressing new weather system created entirely by smoke and ash from seemingly countless, raging wildfires.

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Coaching, Your Best Bilingual Life Nikki Bannister Coaching, Your Best Bilingual Life Nikki Bannister

Don't wait any longer to start enjoying the good stuff

Welcome to September: A new month. A new school year is here. A new season is coming.

We're here, in this moment. Still breathing, through the smoke in the air (California) or through our masks (COVID-19).

The question I have for you right now is...

Are you enjoying the journey?

Or are you waiting.

Waiting for this year to be over. Waiting for a vaccine. Waiting for a change in the White House. Waiting for whatever is causing you stress, whatever anxiety you feel, whatever it is you're worrying about, to go away first?!

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Coaching, Your Best Bilingual Life Nikki Bannister Coaching, Your Best Bilingual Life Nikki Bannister

How to know if you're doing it right

Do you ever feel like people get the wrong impression of you?

Last week, one of my closest friends told me, "Oh, I feel like I know everything you've been up to lately," because she has seen my stories on Instagram, which I tend to use to highlight any time I spend in nature or exercising. This isn’t really a ‘strategy’…it’s just what I tend to take pictures of on any given day!

Her comment struck me as particularly weird from someone I thought should know better - she knows some of my most personal struggles - than to think that was all I'd been "up to lately", and yet...

I get that a lot - especially in our newly 'socially distant' world.

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