
My Best Bilingual Life

Life and Language Coach Nikki Bannister helps you live your best life in any language

Coaching, SpanishSaturday Nikki Bannister Coaching, SpanishSaturday Nikki Bannister

Why context is essential to life and language learning

Last week, I was out on an evening walk with my husband, and I was frustrated.

I ranted and raved as we went around the park, so much so that, when we completed our normal lap, I insisted we do another so that the walk could accomplish its purpose: to allow me to quiet my mind before going back home.

I run an online business, which means I’m often, well, online.

If left to my own devices, I’m sure I’d still be utilizing social media and google in my personal life, but as it’s part of my overall marketing presence and where I hope to connect with potential language learners looking for a breakthrough in their journey to fluency, I purposefully spend a healthy portion of my day engaged with various social media and online outlets.

Like most things, it’s a blessing and a curse.

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