
My Best Bilingual Life

Life and Language Coach Nikki Bannister helps you live your best life in any language

Book Review, Culture Nikki Bannister Book Review, Culture Nikki Bannister

W H I T E πŸ€ F R A G I L I T Y

As you may already know, I am an avid reader. I believe it comes with the territory of being a language lover and story teller, and books have been a constant source of entertainment, inspiration, and education for me, but perhaps never moreso than now, in the time of COVID-19 and national conversations about racism.

This book has received it’s fair share of backlash. It’s controversial to those opposed to the notion of white fragility as well as to those who know white fragility exists but believe there are better ways to educate white people about our role in USAmerican society.

Maybe you read it and hate it. Maybe you’re opposed to reading it. Whatever your thoughts, here’s what I want to tell you about my experience reading it:

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