
My Best Bilingual Life

Life and Language Coach Nikki Bannister helps you live your best life in any language

What's bothering you? (Don't ignore it)

Pain has been a central theme for me this week. I woke up last Monday with terrible neck and back pain, for seemingly no reason - I simply woke up that way, without having had any major event during the night or the day before.

Is this what getting older feels like?!

Normally, this type of pain goes away on its own for me. This time, however, it was different. After seeming to get a little better, it then got worse. A lot worse. I couldn't sleep, couldn't lie down, couldn't move well, and couldn't do my normal work at the computer or on my phone.

Not gonna to lie: I became a major grumpus and rather self-focused as it was hard to concentrate on anything besides my own discomfort.

This is what pain does to us, isn't it? It limits our view and distracts us from being productive.

Sometimes it's physical pain, like mine this week. But often, it's mental or emotional - a belief we hold that hurts us, a heartbreak that hasn't healed, or a uncomfortable truth that we can't seem to work around. Either way, your pain is there to act as a guide: it's showing you what most needs healing.

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