A little change can make a big difference

Just here thinking about alternate realities. // Sólo aquí, pensando en las realidades alternativas.

Just here thinking about alternate realities. // Sólo aquí, pensando en las realidades alternativas.

Do you like to think about alternate realities, what-if scenarios?

This week started out with a little dose of nostalgia for me. After having spent some time with two old friends who hadn't seen each other in nearly twenty years, I found myself on Monday morning reflecting on people and experiences that had been a part of my life, and no longer are.

I've always loved those stories that involve glimpses into alternate realites - books like Choose Your Own Adventure or Maybe In Another Life, or movies like Back to the Future or Sliding Doors all raise the question -

What if?!

What if she hadn't missed the train that day? What if you choose this or that?

We don't think the little things we do on a daily basis have a big impact, because we're thinking of them as just little things.

Today, as I was scrolling on social media, I came across a post that stopped me in my tracks for the way it dealt with just this idea, from an account called @just-shower-thoughts:

"When people talk about traveling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present really thinks that they can radically change the future by doing something small."

The big picture result is made up of a lot of little, but important, actions.

The little things you do today, and the little choices you make, are all a part of your bigger picture.

That doesn't mean you have to do every little thing perfectly! 

It means you can actually remove pressure from yourself and choose to believe in the power of the little choices you make today, and every day.

Do you want to improve your fluency in a second language? Do you want to change your job, feel more fulfilled in your life? Do you want to heal a relationship? Whatever the big picture goal you have, I can tell you for certain that it's not going to be accomplished with one big action on your part.

The big picture result is made up of a lot of little, but important, actions.

What little thing are you doing today? What little choice are you making toward change, toward fluency, toward healing, toward self-care, toward faith and love?

That little action is a big deal, mi amigo. You are changing your life, one little bit at a time.

You don't have to do it all today. You just have to believe in the power of doing a little, and keep your eyes on the big picture.

Your life & language coach,


Are you feeling a disconnect between the little things and the big picture goal? As a life & language coach, I will help you connect those little actions to the achievement of your big goal, whether it's specific to language or not. One little step you can take today? Message me to see if my coaching is right for you.


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