What Truly Scares Me the Most

Halloween 2016: I was Snow White (Blancanieves), scared of a red apple offered by the "Old Hag" (my boss), and unwittingly taking shelter in the arms of the Evil Queen (one of the workers I supervised).

Halloween 2016: I was Snow White (Blancanieves), scared of a red apple offered by the "Old Hag" (my boss), and unwittingly taking shelter in the arms of the Evil Queen (one of the workers I supervised).

What scares you most? ¿Qué es lo que más te da miedo?

Whether because it's Halloween or Election Day, there's always something to be afraid of. The question is, how does that impact our decisions?

Fear is a constant motivator in our lives.

Sometimes we take action (or don't take action) because we're trying to avoid whatever it is that we're afraid of.

Sometimes we take action (or don't take action) because we want to confront whatever it is that we're afraid of.

Fear can be fun and enjoyable, like dressing up on Halloween and watching a scary movie. It can also be terrifying and paralyzing, like crippling anxiety or a real physical threat of violence.

Either way, one of the WORST things we can do is try to IGNORE OUR FEAR.

There's a great book I've halfway-read (I have the best of intentions to finish it at some point) called The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker. In it, the author points out that too many times we try to rationalize away our fear to our peril. By paying attention to it instead, we can avoid danger.

So instead of ignoring it, let's talk about it. Let's name it.

What is it that scares you right now? What does that make you feel like doing?!

I will readily admit that the potential outcome of this week’s election makes me nervous. The possibility that chaos might erupt and my husband might have to go risk his safety to help control it scares me as well.

All in all, it kind of makes me want to curl up under a blanket and watch Gilmore Girls until it's all over: ie, go to my happy place and try to ignore it.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear."

El valor no es la ausencia del miedo, sino la evaluación de que algo más es más importante que el miedo.

- Franklin D. Roosevelt


Will taking that action (or inaction) keep you safe? Will it get you the desired outcome?

I know that no amount of fuzzy blankets or Gilmore Girls is actually going to keep me safe or benefit me in any way.

While I have fear, I don't have to let it control my actions. I get to take all those natural instincts (fight, flight, freeze) and decide what's actually going to serve me and others: getting out and dropping my ballot in the box, showing up for my students, and continuing to build relationships filled with compassion and to create a life that I love by following the dreams in my heart.

What else is more important than that fear? What is a bigger motivator for you?

Let's acknowledge our fear. ¡Hola, fear! It's real, it's there, and it's not going to go *POOF* and disappear.

Then let's decide what's most important to us, and base our actions off of that.

I can't wait to see the outcome you create.

Your language coach,

Blancanieves picked up some attitude.

Blancanieves picked up some attitude.


Is becoming bilingual important to you? Here's an easy action you can take: Join me for a 20-minute bilingual conversation in my latest episode of #SpanishSatuday and find out what scares ME the most, as well as what scares my language students (and how to get around this fear!).

Click here (or below) to listen and watch.


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