We’re on a journey of body, heart, mind, and spirit

My mental and physical health starts with morning yoga.

My mental and physical health starts with morning yoga.

How healthy do you think you are?

Most of us, when asked that question, go straight toward the physical: how much we weigh, our cholesterol levels, our heart health, levels of pain and mobility, etc.

Yet we are so much more than just our bodies.

We have busy, busy minds at work during all of our waking hours, and yet we are also so much more than just our thoughts.

We have amazing hearts that allow us to feel all kinds of emotions - and yet - we are more than just our feelings.

We have a soul, a spirit, and intangible part of our being capable of communicating on a level beyond our three-dimensional realm -

As humans, we are body, mind, heart, and spirit.

Our health is combined of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, I started to feel really off. I started to feel not like myself - and not in a good way. I felt deeply unmotivated and unwilling to engage fully with people around me. I did a self-audit and realized that I really wasn't doing all I could to counteract these feelings. I didn't have a strong foundation of health supporting me: I wasn't exercising regularly, I wasn't meditating, I wasn't journaling, and while I went to church and led a small group, I wasn't doing anything that I would normally do personally in my spiritual life, like praying or reading scripture.

I had many friends going on anti-depressants around this time, too. While I’m a proponent of modern medicine, I am also a proponent of taking personal responsibility for all aspects of my health. As part of my holistic approach, I want to exhaust all natural options beforehand and in conjunction with any additional medication. I love that my body has so many ways of sending signals to me and telling me when something’s wrong. For example, instead of buying an expensive cream to “fix” my under-eye shadows, I can just listen to my body telling me I need to get more sleep, and et voila! Shadows reduced, and health improved, naturally. (This is not to say that clinical depression should be slept off; please, consult with your doctor on your health plan, and let’s work to create our healthiest, best selves in all the ways that we can.)

After my self-audit, I re-committed to a regular practice in each of area of my health - of my being - and immediately began to feel more like me. Whenever I had a really off day (or days) where I couldn’t get off the couch or talk to people again, I would re-evaluate and notice that I had stopped focusing on one of these areas. When I started up my best practice again, I felt better again.

I want to see my clients living their best life in one or more languages - and this ability to thrive starts with holistic health. I'm not making meal plans or prescribing exercise routines, but I am incorporating all areas of our human experience into my life and language coaching. Because you are not enjoying life to the fullest if you are denying part of yourself the attention and care that it needs.

If you've been trying to learn a language, feel better, change your thoughts, lose the weight (or build the muscle), or elevate your energy and connect spiritually, remember that your body, mind, heart and soul all need to work together to support you in your goals.

That's why this Spring Language Semester will be the first where I re-introduce physical movement into our second language journey for my students! We will have additional 5-10 minute videos that accompany each class that allow us to incorporate physical movement with our language learning, and literally warm up our Spanish brains before each class. Click here to apply to join us in the Spring Language Semester.

What area of your health could use a boost right now? How can you create a stronger practice in that area?

Your life & language coach,


P.S. - As always, if you’d like coaching support in creating a stronger foundation of health and living your best life holistically, reach out to me for a free consult. Let’s chat about your journey and how coaching can help you build your best life at the next level.


Continue the conversation on what it means to be holistically healthy - and how to apply that to any goal, including your language journey - in my latest episode of #SpanishSaturday.

Click below to listen and watch.


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