What Story Are You Writing for 2021?


If life in 2020 were a movie, what part would you play?

Would you be the comedian, making sarcastic comments and bringing humor to the darkest of scenes?

Are you the best friend, providing support and encouragement to others?

Or are you the main character, valiantly struggling on the hero's journey against the obstacles to reach your happy ending?

Today I want to invite you to step into a new role.

When it comes to your story, you are not just a character.

You are the author.

This doesn't mean you're all-powerful. You're like a student in God's classroom, and you have certain parameters to follow on your assignment: your story must deal with the elements assigned to you by the teacher. Circumstances beyond your control, like the coronavirus pandemic this year, like whatever beautiful or unimaginable surprises that 2021 will throw at us next year, are a necessary part of the plot.

But you still have the ability to create your own story.

Circumstances are just a framework, mis amigos. What the hero (that's the future you, now) DOES, how he or she grows, and where they go is up to you, NOW, the author.

Don't just read your story. Write your story.

For the second year in a row, for our last week of the Fall Language Semester, I gave my students (and myself!) this assignment: to write the story of your life over the next year, from the perspective of December 2021, as though you were looking back and reflecting on all that had happened over the past year.

This is a great assignment to tackle in your second language for the grammar and language skills it presents, but it's real value is not in language, but in our minds.

Don't just write ANY story: write the version that you WANT.

There is a powerful mental shift that happens when we not only see and create our vision for the future, but when we put it on the official record by writing it as though it's already happened.

My sister shared this great quote with me that captures this idea perfectly:

The future, once written, works hard to bring itself about.
El futuro, una vez escrito, trabaja duro para hacerse realidad.

- Stephanie Garber, author (of course!)

Your mind (thanks, cognitive dissonance) - and the Universe (thanks, energetic frequencies) - will actually work with you to help make the story you’ve created a reality.

Writing your story for 2021 may feel like you’re writing fiction. But guess what? You’re not.

Join me below to get started.

Your life & language coach,


Are you ready to write your story for 2021? Join me to get started with more guidance and encouragement from me in my latest episode of #SpanishSaturday.

Click below to watch and listen.


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Celebrating YOU in 2020


We’re on a journey of body, heart, mind, and spirit