Your celebration might look different than mine (ie, not include strawberry-champagned flavored chocolates). That’s ok. As long as it’s a celebration for you.

Your celebration might look different than mine (ie, not include strawberry-champagned flavored chocolates). That’s ok. As long as it’s a celebration for you.

What are you celebrating yourself for this year?

If your answer right now is, "nothing", let's change that by the end of this post.

Why is celebrating so important? What does it even mean to celebrate yourself?

As adults, we often find it extremely difficult to celebrate. Whereas little kids will scream and cheer for...well, just about anything that makes them feel good, those things stop doing it for us as we get older.

We need something big to cause a celebration.

When we do celebrate something big - a promotion at work, buying a home, getting engaged - it's often mixed right in with thoughts of what comes next. "Now what?" we ask ourselves as we prepare for the new responsibility at work, settling in to our new role, planning the next step.

Our adult brains feel more comfortable skipping the celebration. We feel more responsible thinking ahead. We have perfectionist tendencies that keep us looking for more, setting higher goals.

Stop. Just stop.

It's time to re-train our brains. Because if we skip the celebration, we miss the chance to actually enjoy our life. We take all the pleasure out of the experience.

I would like to formally invite you to join me in celebrating the heck out of 2020.

Let's take it one step farther. I want to invite you to celebrate yourself. As good as it feels to celebrate with others (OMG! I love it too, trust me), your ability to celebrate yourself is key. It creates MORE space for you to enjoy and appreciate everything in your life, and it creates even more space in you to celebrate with others.

When we can truly celebrate ourselves, we can truly celebrate others without bitterness, resentment, or envy. Our joy allows us to empathize with someone else's joy.

So let's get to it!

>> What are you celebrating yourself for this year? <<

If you're still a little stuck, try responding to these six questions:

  • What are you proud of yourself for starting?

  • What are you proud of yourself for finishing?

  • What are you so glad you did not do?

  • What are you so glad you did?

  • What was the single biggest positive shift or decision you made this year?

  • What was the smallest, simplest thing that made you happy recently?

The more you celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
Por lo más que celebras la vida, lo más que hay en la vida para celebrar.

- Oprah Winfrey (you already know! ¡Ya sabes!)

One final note.

Choosing to celebrate does not mean you are ignoring the pain, the loss, the negative things that took place this year and that will be mourned and need to be healed. It is entirely possible, and it is powerful, to choose to celebrate the good despite the presence of the bad.

Don't skip the celebration, mis amigos.

Your life & language coach,


P.S. - If you’d like coaching support in being able to find celebration and enjoy the journey, reach out to me for a free consult. Let’s chat about how coaching can help you build your best life in any language.


It is time to celebrate the heck out of yourself and 2020. Share the joy of your own celebration(s) and find out what I'm celebrating this year in my latest episode of #SpanishSaturday.

Click below to listen and watch.


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