5 Daily Journal Prompts for Living Your Best (Bilingual) Life


In Episode 83 of #SpanishSaturday, I'm giving you 5 daily journal prompts to help you a) discover more of what your best life - in any language - looks like, and reveal where you're already living it, and b) practice the Spanish subjunctive when you do this exercise in Spanish!

Check out the full episode below with a guided explanation of how to get the most out of this practice on your own.

Here are the 5 journal prompts, in English and Spanish:

1. ¿De qué estás feliz hoy? ¿De qué estás súper feliz? // What made you happy today? What made you super happy today?

2. ¿Qué quieres lograr hoy? // What do you want to accomplish today?

3. ¿Qué quisieras hacer hoy si no tuvieras que hacer nada en particular? // What would you want to do today if you didn't have to do anything in particular?

4. ¿De qué estabas infeliz (o triste) hoy? // What made you unhappy today?

5. ¿Cual(es) son tus 1-3 intenciones del día? // What are 1-3 intentions that will guide you today?

Your life & language coach,


Are you ready to try these journal prompts for yourself? Take a listen to how to best put them into practice in Episode 83 of #SpanishSaturday.

Click below to watch and listen.


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