
My Best Bilingual Life

Life and Language Coach Nikki Bannister helps you live your best life in any language

How can you tell if you're on track to hit your goals?

How can you tell if you're on track to hit your goals?

Whatever goals you're working on right now, whether you're a student in my Language Semester program and working toward your next level of fluency, or you've set goals for yourself in 2021 (maybe you participated in my story-writing, vision-making workshop in January!), or you've got some other longer- or shorter-term goals in mind, are you on track to hit them?

We often struggle to evaluate our own progress, either because we don't have a good way of measuring non-physical goals, or because we are incredibly biased by our own role as the primary participant!

So today I want to offer you a way to self-survey your progress toward any goal. (Psst...this is the same survey I'm using as I meet with individual language students to check in on their progress this semester! It really works!)

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