What's Your Vision for 2021?

I’ll show you mine if you show me yours…

I’ll show you mine if you show me yours…

What's your vision for 2021?

I know, I know, we had so many jokes about 2020 Vision - don't worry, we're not reviving that dead horse. I mean, what vision is guiding you this year? What do you see in your heart of hearts? What is the big picture inspiring you as you move forward in 2021?

If you're answer is, "Uhh...what are you talking about, Nikki? I don't know how to answer that," keep reading.

Vision board projects have started to become super trendy in recent years. In fact, true story: as I was checking out at Target with my white board, magazines, and some stickers, the 20-ish-year-old male cashier looked at me with a little smirk and asked, "you uh...doing your vision board?"

Yes, yes I was. I'm not going to claim to be a trendsetter (I was fully turned on to the idea of vision boards by a sweet, wise friend of mine - thanks Susan!), but I've been making a vision board as part of my New Year tradition for several years now.

Here's why vision boards are so great, mi amigo: much like working with a coach, a therapist, or engaging in an intentional journaling practice, vision boards have the ability to powerfully reflect back to us what's truly on our mind and in our hearts, minus all the other noisy thoughts and feelings we often have, so that we can clearly see and listen to our own intuition.

We often already have all the information we need to make the best decisions. We just need help separating it from our other thoughts, doubts, and fears.

In the same way that engaging in a meditation practice benefits a lot of people - slowing down your mind and bringing focus, tapping into intuition or listening for divine guidance in stillness - creating a vision board isn't so much about the actual creating as it is the allowing your vision to reveal itself to you.

All of those things: coaches, therapists, journaling, meditating - are good, and none of them are the same. Where vision boards stand apart is in appealing to a different medium - instead of relying solely on our words, we use art. We allow ourselves to resonate with individual images and pictures that connect with us. Then, we get to see what vision is reflected back to us when we put it all together.

To hear about my vision board creative process, learn how to replicate it for yourself, and see what has come together in MY vision this year, tune in to my latest episode of #SpanishSaturday, my weekly bilingual series of life & language coaching, below

I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

Your life & language coach,


Are you ready to share your vision for 2021? Join me for the big vision reveal in my latest episode of #SpanishSaturday.

Click below to watch and listen.


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